Green Village Soap
Green Village Soap provides products that are truly natural and made from scratch. Every ingredient in every product is chosen with a specific purpose in mind. Our skin is our largest organ and it absorbs what we put on it. This is the driving force behind ingredient choices. Why put something on your body that doesn’t benefit it, or worse why put something on it that harms it? Green Village Soap products are safe and effective, created by us and handcrafted in small batches to ensure the best quality. Each batch of soap, shampoo, deodorant and skin care product is thoughtfully researched and tested by family and friends only. Food grade ingredients and organics are a must. Ingredients like organic carrots, avocado, homemade organic yogurt, wild harvested plantain, organic colloidal oatmeal, French red clay, organic fair trade shea butter, local honey, organic cocoa butter, local and raw organic milk, activated charcoal, organic fair trade coffee, organic lemongrass, organic kelp and organic herbs like calendula, St. John's Wort, comfrey, hops and chamomile are used in making these gentle and effective soaps. They are scented with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils derived from plants, synthetic fragrances are NEVER used. Minimal packaging, recyclable and reusable containers are ALWAYS used.
Nature is the key, it provides what we need.
Happy showering:)